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Sunday, 18 November 2012

how to increase volume in corby

The increase in volume of the


1) Go to the admin menu * #

* # 6984125

2) Next, select 4 points


3) are leading password * # * 

# 9072641

4) Select 3 item "test mode"

5) Press the 5, 3, 4, 5, 1 on the virtual keyboard

6) a list of numbers from 0 to 6 (each number corresponds to the volume such as 5 point adjusts the volume level of 12)

7) click on the top six title

should be changed to READ


8) after a click on the strip to

enter text and write it to 510

(the maximum value)

9) after the harvest is ready to be white screen and the bottom 510

10) on approximately (number 510 lost) and OK again in paragraph 6 should appear  we have introduced a value (510) If it appears, then you've

done everything correctly, you

can now press the reset call

and check the sound.


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