Corbydroid lock:
hello guys many of them were asking me for the droid lock which i am having on my phone. You all might have seen it on youtube: here i am posting the droid lock enjoy guys !!
snap droid lock :
steps to put droid lock on corby:
1) make sure that you are having jelly bean theme installed and have turned on the newlock[*] patch from patchscreen.2)simply connect you mobile in media player mode to pc and open " res" folder.
3)download the below file and extract it on your pc and open the folde(it contains phonelock.swf and a folder name lock)
4)now simply copy the extracted files( phonelock.swf and lock folder) to the location :
Res/ System/paste or replace the file here
5)disconnect you usb and press the lock key on your corby ..Enjoy the droid lock!!
download droid lock
Bro plz tell how to install jelly bean theme
ReplyDeleteread the flasing tutorial and then the theme patching tutorial.